Editorial policy
At CE Safety, it is important that the content we provide is accurate, up-to-date, well-researched and checked before being published.
Our Content Integrity Promise
Every article includes the name and details of the author and a link to more information for each person who contributed to that piece. The date indicates when the piece was most recently updated with new information. Depending on the article at the footer you will also see links to any source references used, which enables the reader to check the authenticity of the facts. It is against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content using AI (artificial intelligence) writing tools such as ChatGPT.
Our team of writers, editors and experts rigorously research and review all content on an ongoing basis to ensure it is up-to-date and accurate to provide our readers with confidence that what they are reading is trustworthy.
Photos and videos are not edited in any way that may cause them to be false or misleading.
We correct any factual errors in a transparent manner and strive to make it easy for our readers to bring errors to our attention.
Fact Checking
Every article is fact checked independently to make sure news and information presented in our articles is accurate and comprehensive and statistics are properly sourced and up to date.
Accuracy and Corrections
If there is an error we will correct it as quickly as possible. All corrections will be clearly labelled and will include what was changed and when. When an article is factually correct, but the language is not as clear or detailed as necessary, the story may be updated without an editor’s note.
Our writers and editors adhere to strict standards for article sourcing. We rely on current and reputable primary sources, such as expert interviews, government organisations, and professional and academic institutions.