First Aid

15 of the WORST jobs to have during a heatwave

London Underground Bank station

Bad news: even if temperatures sour above 40 degrees in the UK, you legally have to stay in work Britain’s summers are getting warmer and during a heatwave we can

Report: The Un-Usual Suspects – Main Causes of Choking Deaths in the UK

Child With Raspberries

Hundreds of vulnerable people, including children and elderly, choke to death every year – and hundreds more are rushed to hospital requiring treatment. Choking deaths can happen quickly, and the

Is Emergency First Aid Important?

Emergency First Aid Importance

In many ways, emergency first aid training couldn’t be more important. Emergency first aid is the first line of treatment in any situation involving an accident, injury or sudden illness.

Haemostatic Dressings First Aid Kit

First aid at Work 3 day

Haemostatic Dressing First Aid Kit Research shows that 40% of civilian deaths from traumatic injury occur due to exsanguination, or excessive blood loss, with between a third and half of

When do you need a Tourniquet in your first aid kit

Tourniquet and first aid training

The history of using tourniquets to treat severe bleeding from wounds dates back to at least the 1500s, where they were used to stop blood flow prior to amputations. Today

A complete guide to AED defibrillators training, use and their operation


Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) are a vital piece of equipment that anyone can use to save the life of someone who has experienced a sudden cardiac arrest. They are becoming

How long does a first aid training certificate last for?

First aid at Work refresher

 How often should you do a first aid refresher course? We are often asked how often is first aid training required, and in most cases, the answer is at least

Do you need training to use an Automated External Defibrillator ?

defib dummy

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are appearing all over the UK, in both the workplace and public spaces. These machines are designed to treat patients suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest

First Aid for the Elderly

first aid training for elderly

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital has announced recently that they will be opening a dedicated A&E unit specifically for elderly patients over the age of 80. These patients make up

First Aid for Firework Injuries

The spectacular fireworks displays of Bonfire Night, or New Year’s Eve, are a high point of the year for many children, and for many adults too – just as they